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A small bevy plugin to easily display diagnostics to the screen

FPS and Frametime display:

use bevy_screen_diagnostics::{ScreenEntityDiagnosticsPlugin, ScreenFrameDiagnosticsPlugin};

fn main() {

bevy_screen_diagnostics provides the following bevy plugins:

  • ScreenDiagnostics which offers the basic functionality of displaying diagnostics.
  • [ScreenFrameDiagnostics] which adds the [FrameTimeDiagnosticsPlugin] and adds its diagnostics to [DiagnosticsText]
  • [ScreenEntityDiagnostics] which adds the [EntityCountDiagnosticsPlugin] and adds its diagnostics to [DiagnosticsText]



  • Aggregaes which can be used for displaying Diagnostics.

Type Definitions

  • Type alias for the fuction used to format a diagnostic value to a string.